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Pretty but toxic: Watch toddlers around these houseplants

When visiting friends or family who have both houseplants and young children, I’ve been compared to “Aunt Bonnie” from the Geico commercial “Aunt Infestation.”
Diffenbachia is also known as dumb cane. Chewing a portion of its stem can render someone temporarily but painfully speechless, as the calcium oxalate crystals in it can cause throat and mouth swelling. (File photo by Advocate news services)

When visiting friends or family who have both houseplants and young children, I’ve been compared to “Aunt Bonnie” from the Geico commercial “Aunt Infestation.”

In it, a young couple who just moved into a new home complains of having pests — not ants but overbearing “aunts.” Like the one who declares the condiments in their refrigerator to be “Expired! Expired! Expired!,” I invariably invade room after room of my hosts’ homes exclaiming, “Toxic! Toxic! Toxic!”

I’m pointing out houseplants that should be kept out of kids’ mouths.

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