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Fraser Lake author uncovers family history

Tracing your family history can seem like a daunting task, but for Fraser Lake author Doris Ray, the more she found out about her family's history the more intrigued she became.
Doris Ray has recently wrote a book called ‘Common Threads’. It traces bock her family history and on her journey she discovered that her grandfather was Chinese.

In 2004 Doris received a phone call from an old friend. He told Doris that he had found out via his 87 year old mother, that Doris' grandfather was Chinese.

It was this phone call that sent Doris on a journey of research and discovery.

"I was very excited about the news that my grandfather was Chinese," Doris said.

"She [her friend's 87 year old mother] was the last remaining link to my grandmother, my grandfather and my mother's story," Doris said adding, "Just two months later she passed away."


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