“Building a pipeline in B.C. is not a simple task, especially when you’re crossing most of the province,” said Joel Forrest, Coastal GasLink’s Director, Environment, Land, Regulatory & Law.
“You’re going through several mountain ranges, water crossings, and we have lots of different environmentally sensitive areas that we have to make sure we’re paying attention to as we construct,” Joel added.
That attention and respect for the land, culture and communities is a core part of the extraordinary legacy Coastal GasLink is committed to building.
As construction across the 670-kilometre project route safely ramps up for one of its most important seasons yet, Joel and every member of the team are working hard to achieve the highest standards of environmental protection possible.
“I’m really proud of the work that we do here. Everybody is pulling on the same rope,” shared Tommy Adair, Lead Environmental Inspector for Sections 5, 6, and 7. “The goal is to ensure that the environment is protected, and that is happening.”
While workers are preparing to clear, grade, weld and assemble pipe, Tommy and his fellow environmental inspectors are busy ensuring that every site is properly prepped and protected.
“When I say that I’m proud of the project, that comes from a position that I wish more people could have – to be able to see the extent that we go to protect the environment,” said Tommy.
“We salvage amphibians, we work around birds’ nests, we time our work around caribou habitat, ungulate winter ranges. At the end of the day, knowing that the land is going to be returned back to its pre-existing condition, that makes me feel good. It makes me feel proud of the work that we’re doing every day.”
Striving for that level of care and excellence for the environment is part of what sets Coastal GasLink apart. At the end of the day, Coastal GasLink is building more than a pipeline. We’re building a legacy for communities across northern B.C., the province, and Canada.
Tommy added that, “this project is going to leave a legacy that’s lasting. We can all be proud of the work that we’re doing here and I certainly am.”
Learn more about Coastal GasLink’s commitment to protecting the environment, and how we are preparing to safely ramp up for summer construction by visiting CoastalGasLink.com.